Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Un-Crusty Pots

The kiln gods blessed me this round. As Fran said, I had a "good firing." All of these are JB speck clay, so the speckles show through in some of the glazes.
The pitcher below is black lapis with Ellen's blue on top.
This mug has Neal's blue glaze with black lapis on the rim.
Black lapis glaze on this squat bud vase - the neck of the bottle wasn't exactly centered, so I accentuated that with an oval of opal glaze around the neck.
This silly little bud vase was really more about practicing collaring in than anything else. It was glazed in spring green with Neal's blue on top.
Another bottle, this time in smokey brown, with a little bit of white around the rim, which changed the color slightly.

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