Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mighty Mitre

The baseboards are going up in the studio with the help of a new mitre saw. Our mitre box and dull hand saw weren't cutting it. [Pun somewhat intended.] This project is taking much longer than I had projected [another bad pun], but I am pleased with the slow but steady progress. We started taking the studio apart in January, after having started building the shelves in November. The wall repairs (associated with having taken down the original baseboards and also the utility sink installation) are basically done. I can't wait to get finished with these final steps so that I can finally start bringing everything back into the room and closet, organizing it, and then USING it. And taking pictures of everything in its new, organized space. Until then, I will tide myself over with a few items found browsing among Etsy's DesignStyleGuide, on the themes of tools, projects, and renovation. This photo is called Tools Of The Trade, by HannaPhotos. This wooden silhouette of a trade painter is by mountainbrook. IMOTIME has several of these fantastic old saw blade clocks. My project is just short of needing scaffolding like this building photographed by elephantdreams, aptly named Work in Progress.


ruth hill radcliffe said...

lovely blog....thanks so much for including my photograph.

NewDominionBlues said...

Thanks! :)